Congratulations on your Success to Stage 2 of this recruitment Exercise, if you pass this stage , you will be invited for interview and if you pass the interview you will be employed.

Stage 2 involves you to perform a task with your phone, a manual of steps will be available to you by 9 PM today 11/12/2024 via below Stage 2 Link

To prepare:

  1. Please Ensure you have Data on your phone to access the manual and then the Task
  2. Ensure you Clear your schedule on the Exam time frame, 9:00pm – 10:30pm on 11th December 2024, ensure you have about 1 hour to spare to take this Stage. the Task should not take you more than 10 Mins.

WE wish you Good Luck, below is the Stage 2 Link again (Task Manual will be available from 9PM till 10:30PM)
